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Parenting on the Same Page.

KEYS to "Getting on the Same Page" on your most important matter - HOW TO PARENT EFFECTIVELY!


A parent who loves the  Montessori approach and begins applying the principles in their home, really want to know how to get others on board with the ideas. This might be their partner, the grandparents, a co-parent, or other.


* Is that you? Would you love others in your life to get on board with Montessori principles?
* Do you find yourself in disagreement with your partner or parents about getting them to use Montessori ideas?
* Or find yourself correcting them and they get upset?
* Or you have people in your life that just don’t get it?


Then this workshop is for YOU! 

Simone Davies and I put together this 2-hour workshop to help you to start parenting on the same page with these important people. We want to bring back the joy to parenting our children together with others.


The workshop explores:
1. Our role as parent – spoiler: it’s not just happy making your child happy
2. Painting a clear vision of our family values
3. A peek into the habits of effective parents
4. Communicating in ways we can be heard by others
5. Specific language we can use in these conversations
6. Getting others on board and working with others
and more…


This was  a live online workshop. If you missed it, you can still  possible to purchase the recording here. And it will feel like you were right there with us!




ONLINE (Downloadable) 2 HR + Q & A


Cost US$29


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